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Woodbridge High School

Woodbridge High School

Distance Learning

Woodbridge is committed to providing an effective distance learning programme for our students, if required due to school closure.

We use two platforms for distance learning:
Firefly and Google Classroom.

Show My Homework has been replaced by Firefly. Firefly is used by teachers to set and receive work and to provide resources for learning. Parents can monitor the work that is set for each lesson. 


Firefly is the secure, collaborative platform for schools. Simplifying school communications, lesson management and progress tracking, Firefly engages the whole school community and ensures that everyone can keep learning, whatever the circumstances.

Log in to Firefly HERE

Other useful links (click on title):
Quick Tour Of Firefly
Logging In Guide
Installing The App
Log In To Your Firefly For Parents App (IOS)
Firefly Support

Google Classroom is used to provide Live Lessons, set assignments and share resources. Teachers can mark assignments and provide feedback to students. The Google Classroom link below provides further information. 

Google Classroom 

 We use Google Classroom to provide live lessons and set assignments. Google Drive is an online folder of shared resources for our students. Google Meet is the video conference software for live lessons.

Accessing Google Classroom and Google Drive:

Students will be able to access Google Classroom and Google Drive through their Google Accounts by selecting the Google Drive link in Quicklinks on the school website:

Students will be able to log in using the same username and password that they use to access their school emails. 

If students encounter any problems they should contact the IT Support Team or the Data Office.

For further guidance on how to use the new Google Drive please refer to the information sheet: A Quick Student Guide to Google Drive