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Woodbridge High School

Woodbridge High School

Gym Refurbishment Fundraisers

Our school gym is in urgent need of refurbishment. The heating needs to be repaired, and the gym floor, which is currently unusable, needs replacing.

The gym is not only used by our PE department but also for exams throughout the year.

We are raising funds in a number of ways, starting with a PTA Quiz Night, which is now sold out! However, we are still looking for raffle prizes. If you have any vouchers you would like to donate, please email

We are also very grateful to one of our parents, who has kindly set up a fundraising page. You can access the link to the fundraiser HERE.

If your workplace offers match funding, please contact our Finance Department at

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for your support. This refurbishment will make a significant difference to the conditions in which our students work, as well as enhance our indoor PE facilities.