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Woodbridge High School

Woodbridge High School

School Council

The House Councils and Senior House Council are the representative bodies for the students at Woodbridge. They provide the voice of the individual forms as well as each year group across the entire school. 

The House Council consists of 60 students: two from each house form, of years 7-11, and the student ambassadors who are representative of the sixth form. At the start of each year, secondary students are elected by the form of each tutor group.  The Sixth Form Student Voice, through the Student Ambassadors Committee, help facilitate the regular meetings alongside our Year Coordinators. 


The Senior House Council are the KS3 and KS4 representatives of each House and are elected by their respective year co-ordinators and house council members. They are run by the head students alongside Mr Hogan, and also attended by the chairs of the Student Ambassador Committee and senior prefects from Year 10 and 11.

The aim this year is to action the agreements and decisions that are discussed and concluded in House and Senior House Council. We are pushing to fairly represent the student voice and champion equality, diversity, inclusion and respect.